Friday 18 September 2015

She wore braces but now with SIA

Hi Luke,
I attended your talk on January, and I was wearing braces then. I've removed my braces and have since gotten into SIA! Just wanna say thanks for all the encouragement you gave then. It was helpful to hear your critical points of view on how I could improve myself before the interview, then going and being genuine to the interviewers during the actual interview.
I hope to keep in touch, and thanks again! :)

Tuesday 1 September 2015

After attending Luke's talks she is now flying for SIA

Hi Mr Tan,

Not sure if you could remember. I am xxxx and attended one of your talks beginning of this year. I wanted to let you know that I made it through the xx August interview and will be starting training in xxx!

Thank you so much for your tips, guidance and encouraging words which helped me stay positive despite many failures.

Have a wonderful week ahead!

Best Regards,